Saturday, August 31, 2019

The required number of hours

Sleep is a basic human need. It functions to restore normal activity levels and normal balance among the parts of the nervous system and it allows for repair processes to occur as in protein synthesis (Kozier, 2004). Lack of sleep is said to cause an emotionally irritable, poorly concentrated individual that experiences decision making difficulty. The required number of hours of sleep per day varies with age. A newborn is expected to sleep for 16 to 18 hours a day, an infant 22 hours a day, a toddler 10 to 12 hours per day and preschool children need 11 to 12 hours of sleep per day (Kozier, 2004).As the individual grows older, he is required to sleep less. School aged children is required 8 to 12 hours of sleep, adolescents 8 to 10 hours, young adults 7 to 8 hours, middle aged adults 6 to 8 hours and elders only 6 hours (Kozier, 2004). The circadian rhythm, the most familiar rhythmic biologic clock that is responsible for our sleep-wake patterns, follows a dark-light pattern with the suprachiasmatic nucleus as its pacemaker (Bullock, 2000).The suprachiasmatic nucleus is found in the anterior hypothalamus and is stimulated by the receptors in the retina of our eyes. Melatonin, which has regulatory effects on the SCN, is secreted by the pineal gland and its secretion is stimulated by the dark and is suppressed by light (Bullock, 2000). Melatonin promotes sleep in this way, and fewer hormones secreted, as in the elderly, will be one of the many causes for insomnia (Bullock, 2000). There are several factors that can cause sleep pattern disturbance aside from a decrease in melatonin.Sleep pattern disturbances can be caused by external or internal factors and these disturbances can only be classified as a medical condition when they chronically interrupt sleep (Bullock, 2000) or when the inability to sleep well at night causes impaired daytime functioning (Atkinson, 2000). Sleep pattern disturbances have been grouped into four categories by the Association of Sleep D isorders Center, namely, disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep, disorders of excessive somnolence, disorders of sleeping-waking schedule and dysfunctions associated with sleep, sleep stages or partial arousal (Atkinson, 2000).Disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep include insomnias, which is the inability to sleep and maybe exhibited by difficulty falling asleep, there are recurrent awakenings, and early morning awakening without being able to go back to sleep (Atkinson, 2000). Reasons for the cause of insomnia is still not known, as some claim that this is a symptom of a disease or just a perception of individuals who feel that they have not gotten enough sleep because of some factors they claim to have experienced. Insomnia can be attributed to various factors that could either be pathologic or psychological.Pathologic causes include disease process, pain, obstructive uropathy, hyperthyroidism, congenital heart failure, respiratory disease, arthritis, and hormonal i mbalance (Atkinson, 2000). Psychologically, anxiety, obsessive worrying, chronic stress and depression can bring about insomnia (Atkinson, 2000). As much as possible, interventions for insomnia remain to be nonpharmacologic, but if the individual is experiencing sleeplessness that is ruining his daytime activities, a doctor will prescribe selected sedative-hypnotic medications.Although effective, these medications should not be used as often and several considerations should be noted. These medications produce a central nervous system depression and produces an unnatural sleep, it may resolve insomnia for tonight, but may disturb sleep the following night and cause daytime drowsiness (Kozier, 2004). Some medications are antianxiety medications which decrease the arousal ability of the individual taking it; these are also contraindicated to be taken by pregnant women because of the congenital anomalies that they may cause (Kozier, 2004).These medications also vary in their onset and duration of action and continuous use can lead to tolerance or to drug dependency (Kozier, 2004). Sudden cessation of these medications can result in withdrawal symptoms and even death, thus before withdrawal of medications, the dose should be gradually tapered to about 25% to 30% weekly. Examples of these medications are Chloral hydrate (Noctec), Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl), Flurazepam (Dalmane), Glutethimide (Doriden), Lorazepam (Ativan), Melatonin, Temazepam (Restoril), Triazolam (Halcion), Zaleplon (Sonata), and Zolpidem (Ambien) (Kozier, 2004).Alternative treatment for insomnia have been preferred over the pharmacologic therapy because alternative treatment is natural, hence less side effects are experienced and the individual will be able to have control over his sleep-wake cycle. Nonorthodox, unconventional, alternative, complementary, are a number of terms used to denote non-medical treatment that has been used since early times for a variety of diseases. Complementary and alte rnative medicine is defined as being identified through a social process as those practices that do not form part of the dominant system for managing health and disease (Kozier, 2004, p.224). Before considering any therapy, be it alternative or pharmacologic, the individual is advised to consider techniques on promoting rest and sleep. A person who is suffering from insomnia should establish a regular sleep-wake pattern, this means that he should try to go to sleep at the same time everyday and wake up at the same time also. This is to prevent disruptions in the biologic clock (Kozier, 2004). He should also try to eliminate lengthy naps in between sleeps, and if ever necessary should limit this to only thirty minutes per day at the same time everyday (Kozier, 2004).He should get ample exercise or physical activities during the day to lower stress but this should not be done two hours before bedtime. The individual should also avoid dealing with personal problems or office work befor e going to sleep and instead should establish a routine before sleep such as reading a book, listening to music or drinking a glass of warm milk (Kozier, 2004). Finally, to establish a sleep pattern the person is asked to only use the bed for sleeping, so that he would associate it with sleep, and that if still not drowsy, pursue some relaxing activity (Kozier, 2004).The environment also plays a role in helping the individual fall asleep. There should be appropriate lighting, temperature and ventilation as per the person’s desire, noise should be kept to a minimum and if extraneous noise is present, it should be blocked with soft music (Kozier, 2004). With regards to food consumption and diet, the individual should not take a heavy meal 3 hours before bedtime and to decrease fluid intake 2 to 4 hours prior to going to sleep but if it cannot be helped, void before sleeping (Kozier, 2004).Several drugs can disrupt sleep by delaying its onset, decreasing sleep time, and cause ni ghtmares and should be avoided before sleeping, examples are alcohol, amphetamines, antidepressants, beta-blockers, bronchodilators, caffeine, decongestants, and steroid (Kozier, 2004). Caffeine – containing foods and beverages include coffee, soda, tea and chocolate and should not be taken 4 hours before bedtime. Promoting comfort and relaxation may be helpful.The individual should wear loose-fitting nightwear, have taken a bath and does not feel sweaty and hot, make sure the bed linen is soft, smooth, clean and dry, and a back massage may be done, which is a type of touch therapy (Kozier, 2004). There are several healing modalities that are being implemented to help alleviate insomnia, and this includes touch therapy, mind-body therapy, and aroma therapy. Touch therapies, which include massage, foot reflexology, acupressure, and reiki, may stimulate the production of healing-promoting chemicals by the immune or limbic system (Kozier, 2004).Massage assists in relaxation and blood circulation improvement (Kozier, 2004). Physically, it promotes muscle relaxation by helping in release of lactic acid that is formed during strenuous activities and exercise, it improves blood and lymph flow, stretches joints, and helps in body toxin release and immune system stimulation (Kozier, 2004). It also has mental and emotional benefits like anxiety relief and it provides a sense of relaxation and well-being (Kozier, 2004).There are three kinds of massage strokes, namely effleurage (stroking), friction pressure and petrissage which is kneading or large quick pinches of the skin, subcutaneous tissues and muscles (Kozier, 2004). Mind-body therapies utilize the individual’s focus on realigning or creating balance in mental processed to bring about healing (Kozier, 2004). Progressive relaxation is most helpful in insomnia because it reduces increased level of stress and chronic pain by enabling the individual to wield control over the body’s responses to anx iety and tension (Kozier, 2004).There are three requisites though, to be able to make use of this technique. There should be correct posture, the person’s mind should be at rest and the environment should be noise free as possible and the technique is to make the individual tense and relax his muscles alternately and then focus attention on the differentiating feelings of each action (Kozier, 2004). This can result to decreased oxygen consumption by decreased metabolism, heart and respiratory rate, and decreased blood pressure (Kozier, 2004).Aromatherapy, which is defined clinically as the controlled use of essential oils for specific measurable outcomes by Kozier, can be used by massaging into the body, added to water that is used when bathing, inhaled or applied as hot or cold compresses. The oils used in this therapy are distilled from a variety of substances such as flowers, roots, wood resins, leaves, lemon or orange rinds, barks, etc. When inhaled, the oil’s arom a is detected by olfactory receptor cells in our nares.The stimuli received will travel along the olfactory nerve or the cranial nerve I, the stimuli will then be received by the olfactory bulb and will be sent to the brain. The essential oil aroma is thought to play a role in emotions, memory and a variety of body functions including the heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and immune response (Kozier, 2004). There are 300 essential oils being used and some of these are lavender for headache relief, stress and insomnia, peppermint for nausea relief, aid in respiration an antipyretic, and sandalwood for chapped skin, depression, and stress (Kozier, 2004).There are also some herbal preparations that can be used for insomnia. Hops and valerian are used to induce sleep by nervous system relaxation, as recommended by the website Holistic online. There are ways by which we can combine both the conventional treatment and the alternative therapies to reduce insomnia. One way is to do the techniques on promoting rest and sleep, while on low-dosed medication. In a way, this might still be useful in eventually lowering and then eliminating drug use while still maintaining a normal sleep-wake pattern.Although plausible, it is still best advised to not take pharmacologic therapy when necessary. There is to some extent a risk on using sedative-hypnotic drugs, as mentioned earlier. This can cause drug dependency, withdrawal symptoms if stopped abruptly without tapering the dose gradually, and can disrupt the sleep-wake pattern by causing excessive sleep and daytime drowsiness. It should also be noted that these drugs can be expensive and if needed on a daily basis may become a burden to healthcare cost budgets.The benefit of course is that you will be able to sleep, after a few minutes once the drug is taken. As to the nonpharmacologic treatment suggestions, there are no risks, as long as the person who would want to try out these therapies has an open mind and is willing to subject himself to these procedures. Health wise, the therapies do not present any danger to the individual being subjected to the procedures unless pregnant, has allergies to the essential oils or herbs, has fractures, skin conditions or disease processes.If the person has insomnia as a symptom to an underlying disease, he should immediately heed the physician’s advice. I do not see alternative treatment as a threat to the medical community, nor a competition. These two have very different procedures and are based on different dogmas that they should not be compared to each other. Although it cannot be helped, people should always be open-minded about these things, because they are at times useful, and have been subjected to numerous tests to be proven safe and effective.Of course, if one is in doubt of the nature or cause of their insomnia, one should head to the nearest clinic or to the family physician before taking these alternative treatments into consideration. Once there is no underlying pathology, then before taking sleeping pills to make the dilemma go away, nonpharmacologic therapy should and is highly recommended to be done. There is no harm to it, and it might just help. It costs less and can be done right at home without spending gas to go some place else. But if all else fails, then it is suggested to take the sleeping pills as prescribed by the physician.References Atkinson, R. L. , Atkinson R. C. , Smith E. E. , Bem, D. J. , & Nolen-Koeksema, S. (2000). Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology. USA: Thomson. Bullock, B. and Henze, R. (2000). Focus on Pathophysiology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Holistic Online. (1998-2007). Herb and Herbal Therapies. Retrieved January 25, 2008, from http://holisticonline. com/Remedies/Sleep/sleep_insomnia_herbs. htm Kozier, B. Erb, G. , Berman, A. , & Snyder, S. (2004). Fundamentals of Nursing. USA: Pearson Education. .

Plato’s “Myth of the cave” Essay

Plato’s â€Å"Myth of the cave† is an argument that we can’t be sure we know reality. This story illustrates Plato’s idealism. The objects we see, hear, touch are shadows of the real things. The reason is human beings don’t have a full sense of a real and complete life because of the world. In this story, Plato use a dialog between a teacher and student, it describes a group of prisoners chained inside a cave, sit behind a fire, they can’t see each other or the nature of reality, or the heavens, only able to look forward. The fire casts shadows on the cave wall, which they see and it is the only reality they know. They can’t truly comprehend what they see, as they are prevented from its true source and nature. One day one of the prisoners having managed to free himself from his chains escape from the cave and see the truth. He will at first be blinded by the brightness of the world. But after some time and effort, he will be able to see anything that resembled what he knew as reality before. He will be able to see the entire world around him, and appreciate the beauty of the world. Through this knowledge he will become aware of his place in the world. Finally he goes back again into the darkened cave to tell the people still chained up in the cave about the real word outside. Accustomed to the outside world full of nature light, the rescuer in the darkness of the cave and looks foolish to those inside. The cave dwellers laughing at him for his crazy ideas and insist that they are perfectly happy where they are. They would not believe and would ridicule him, and if they could lay hands on him, they would kill him. However, the prisoner would know what is right, even if all those around him disbelieve it. In Plato’s â€Å"Myth of the cave† points a person who is set free, and goes out to see the real world, and what lies behind the shadows of light that we see. Having been enlightened to the nature of reality, it is not easy to explain this to others. Humans in their unenlightened beginnings are symbolized as imprisoned at the back of a dark cave. The shadowy environment of the cave symbolizes for Plato the physical world of appearances. Escape into the outside the cave symbolizes the transition to the real world, the world of full and perfect being, the world of forms, which is the proper object of knowledge.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Macroeconomics Assignment Essay

Current economic conditions in the U. S an all around the world are rising to alarming situations, with the dilemma being common that whether its inflation or recession, which is hampering the economy badly. The liquidity issues are affecting the U. S economy badly, the money supply is shrinking although the Federal Reserve is pursuing an accommodative monetary policy, but due to its lesser control and the dynamism of the U. S economy, this policy seems to have a very low effect on the liquidity situation in the overall economy. After a rise in the money supply for few months the money supply has been contracting since then, the M2 component of the money supply, which consists of cash, consumer deposits and checking has been shrinking. While M3 which consists of the above, plus the large time deposits and other items is also changing its direction towards a lower end. The figure depicts the trends of the money supply and how it has dipped gradually. Figure 1: Annual U. S. Money Supply Growth Source: Shadow Government Statistics, 2009 This condition can result into the weakening of economic activity and pulling out money from stocks. Recently the downfall in the consumer spending and the lowering of the stock prices is the sign of scorched liquidity in the economy (Kellner, 2003). In this current situation of economic dilemma, the current economic conditions demands active measures from the new president and the U. S congress to overcome the hazards created by the weakening economy. Government should try to push more liquidity into the market; the FED should try to increase the money supply through lowering the interest rate, pushing more money into the economy by funding the companies and the corporations that can create more stability in the economy. The government should try to create more jobs into the economy by pushing their spending this will surely create more consumers spending and thus providing a ground to combat recession in the economy. These economic measures are the need of the time and they will certainly have their effects on the economy. Thus, by acting proactively on these strategies the government can easily face all the difficult circumstances. References Kellner, I. (2003, November). Where has all the money gone? Retrieved Feburary 10, 2009, from Market Watch : http://www. marketwatch. com/News/Story/Story. aspx? guid=%7BF1B1B20B-EBDE-435F-8349-A19E26DBB945%7D&siteid=mktw&dist=nwhpm Figures Figure 1: Annual U. S. Money Supply Growth Shadow Government Statistics. (2009). Annual U. S. Money Supply Growth. Retrieved Feburary 10, 2009 from http://www. shadowstats. com/charts_republish#m3

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Case Management Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Case Management Review - Essay Example Either way, the result is the same for both instances with single or multiple cortical infarction. Large vessel atherosclerosis starts as fatty layers in the arteries which harden into plaque as a person gets older. The development from fatty streak or layer to an unstable plaque may start off as a response to an endothelial injury which may cause an inflammatory response (Gilman, 2007). This response starts off with inflammatory cell migration, lipid deposition, and smooth muscle cell proliferation. After which, different events occur which then cause instability of the plaque, plaque rupture, platelet aggregation, and cause the formation of thrombus – eventually leading to infarction. Infarcts in particular areas of the brain may then contribute to the cognitive impairment of the patient (Gilman, 2007). In the patient’s case, the part of her brain which is attributed to her memory has been affected, thereby causing her memory impairment, decreasing her capacity for ne w learning and causing her disorientation. Her other functions are intact as she is able to manage writing tasks, difficult and complex activities, as well as basic problem solving. Based on some patient’s aging processes, they also suffer from cognitive sequences which are not dependent on structural lesions in the brain (Gilman, 2007). â€Å"Such people, by virtue of their age, may be more prone to hypoperfusion injury of critical areas of the brain such as the hippocampus of the basal ganglia† (Gilman, 2007, p. 229). In this patient, her cognitive impairment may be attributed to such hypoperfusion injury. Area of concern: Total hip fracture The patient underwent hip replacement when her hips were injured by a fall. This surgical procedure is conducted in order to replace the femoral neck with a metal alloy or any other material. These are common injuries among the elderly, especially those with osteoarthritis, compromised sight, and those using drowse-inducing medic ations (Jackson,, 2009). This type of surgery can only be carried out as an inpatient surgery with its related preoperative and postoperative processes. The patient must therefore be oriented about the surgery and the preparations he must undergo in order to ensure a successful surgery and postoperative process. Following the surgical procedure is the immediate rehabilitation in order to ensure that the patient would regain strength in his injured hips (Paul and Peterson, 2002). A major part of the surgery is walking, sitting, and standing independently. During the physical therapy sessions, the nurse is obliged to assist the therapist in ensuring that the patient is safe during the exercises and that she can later carry out these exercises with the patient even without the assistance of the therapist (Meiner, 2005). The first part of the therapy would involve the safe and proper use of the walker. It also involves the process of learning how to safely sit from a lying positi on, how to stand from a sitting position, and how to walk safely with the crutches or cane (Landefeld, 2004). It is also the nurse’s duty to clear the area where the patient usually walks and to ensure that there are no barriers which would trip the patient or which would block the conduct of his therapeutic activities. The nurse must also learn the different exercises which the patient can safely carry out in order to ensur

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Death and Dying Process and Rituals in the Asian Culture Essay

Death and Dying Process and Rituals in the Asian Culture - Essay Example After the death of an elderly member of the family, celebrations or events such as weddings may be postponed. The closest members of the individual are supposed to grieve the longest and the amount of grief expressed is supposed to be equal to how close the person was to that individual. In terms of bereavement, men are allowed to openly cry during a family gathering after the death but only the women are supposed to cry and express their grief during the funeral ceremonies while the men are supposed to remain stoic (Leach, 2006). The right to die changes from culture to culture and while some cultures such as Japan may accept a person’s decision to end his/her life, others such as China may frown upon it (Leach, 2006). Some Buddhist patients may actually refuse to seek medical attention due to an acceptance of pain, suffering and even death as a part of their karma. This can lead to a situation where a medical practitioner may have to stop treatment at the request of a patient. Numrich et. al. (2006) report that such patients may have to be reminded that Karma can be both good and bad therefore they should accept treatment as a part of their good karma just as they accept pain as a part of bad karma. When individuals are supposed to maintain stoic attitudes, the lack of expression of grief may cause them to become depressed. This depression could be a problem both for the person who knows s/he is going to die as well as the individuals who are around him/her (NASP, 2003). However, belief in sprits as well as an afterlife for most of the Asian culture does provide some comfort since death itself may be seen as nothing more than change and a transfer from this world to the next (Lobar et. al., 2006). In such situations, families come together to form support groups and ease the mourning process for the individuals who are left behind. However, for the widows, the process can

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What are Innovation management critical success factors Research Paper

What are Innovation management critical success factors - Research Paper Example Breakthroughs rarely survive without a strong and working decision making model. This model should differ with the model used in incremental innovation (Soni, 2009). It has become increasingly clear that old models rarely work (Trott, 2005). Technology dependent decision making systems have the weakness of failing to engage the vital stakeholders. Automation in decision making causes consensus to be hard to obtain (Aledda, 2010). Therefore, a health decision making system seldom works without a champion who can engage teams and make decisions to enhance mutual progress. Successful organizations that are known to drive innovation in their projects have a blind commitment to the consumer tastes and preferences (Aledda, 2010). They are known to have a slave like dedication to the concerns of the consumers. Innovation management demands that high quality marketing plans and action to be taken with an aim have a higher rate of success with it come to consumer response (Albers, 2004). Market studies show that such products are blessed with double success rates and over 70 per cent high share in the market than those with poor marketing strategies (Palthe, 2006). Therefore, marketing has a place in the management of innovation (Afuah, 2003). A strong customer focus and marketing orientation is noticeably lacking in the modern business conduct what new products launch. Delivering a differentiated product with unique customer benefit with a strong appeal to clients is one of the success factors in innovation. Superior products have a significant influence i n the management of innovation (Morel & Hosni, 2005). It is said to meet customer need in a better way compared to ordinary non competitive products. Superior products have a high success rate and stronger appeal to customers unlike products that lack this ingredient. Not many firms can point to the facets of the new products that show uniqueness of their new products

Monday, August 26, 2019

Former Auditors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Former Auditors - Essay Example Sub Section 324 CI does not allow a former partner of an audit firm to become a member of the board of directors or other officer of a Public Company which is listed, if that former partner has remained part of the audit team being involved in the audit of that public listed company at any time during the preceding two years of that partner’s retirement.On the other hand, more specific legislative requirements relating to the independence test of the former auditors can be found in Sub Section 324 CF (7), which states that a person is regarded as satisfying the test of independence if,i.  He does not have any control over the operations or financial policies of the audit firm of which he was a partner or an employee;ii.  He does not involve himself in the activities and other operating matter of the audit firm of which he was a partner or an employee;iii.  He does not hold any kind of rights as against the audit firm or any of the members of the audit firm with respect t o the termination of such person from the partnership of that audit firm or other interest of whatsoever;iv.  He has no monetary arrangements or agreements with respect to performance of any professional service with the audit firm from which he so retired. However, this does not include:a.  An agreement under which the partner so retired will be given payments of specific amounts at regular intervals of time, provided that such payments are predetermined and are independent in direct and indirect.... He has no monetary arrangements or agreements with respect to performance of any professional service with the audit firm from which he so retired. However, this does not include: a. An agreement under which the partner so retired will be given payments of specific amounts at regular intervals of time, provided that such payments are predetermined and are independent in direct and indirect ways from the earnings being made by the audit firm, or b. An agreement under which the partner so retired will be given payments of specific amounts at regular intervals of time, provided that such payments, although not predetermined, are calculated on a predetermined basis and are independent in direct and indirect ways from the earnings being made by the audit firm; and v. He has, apart from the agreements mentioned above, no other financial or monetary arrangements or agreements with the audit firm for the receipt of payment under any name which is related, either directly or indirectly, to th e revenues earned by the audit firm, whether such businesses do or do not relate to such person (Corporations Act). The independence test requirements as presented in (I), (ii) and (v) above are independent of each other and these requirements do not seem to cater any serious issues related to independence test in relation to a former audit partner or other professional. In other words, these requirements are not the determinants of the fact that independence exists. This is so because a retiring or former professional cannot eliminate altogether the existence of his past relationship with an audit firm or other professional body (Brayshaw). All these independence testing requirements and regulations are in fact meant for ensuring that a retired or former audit firm partner has

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Print Advertisement Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Print Advertisement Marketing - Assignment Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Introduction Products and services are promoted to the Customers by Advertising (Petley) or in other words it can be defined as methods employed by organizations and companies to spread awareness to the target market about their offerings. (Monle Lee) As the Cooperations and companies managed to gain popularity and make many loyal customers in their localities , to further increase sales and earn more profits they expanded across borders. In doing so they stepped into new markets where they had to attract new customers to their services and products in which they faced a lot of trouble as the entertainment, hobbies, tastes and activities differed vastly (Marieke K. de Mooij) Also more and more products were being targeted for targets markets in these differi ng societies hence the companies started to focus on a more micro level that is the habits and behaviors of their customers rather than the macro knowledge of the society. (Seth) Keeping the globalization process under the focus , companies started to focus on the factor which can be altered and produced in more than one way for different societies. Hence the advertising and promotion efforts were done according to the culture, attitudes and norms of the native market. (Mooij) Hence Gestures, colors, actions, taglines and everything were strictly checked in accordance with the cultures of different societies so that is doesn’t haven’t any negative effect on the image of the company or the sales of the specific product. PRINT AD #1 Analysis: The target audience for this ad is the sporty youth, teenagers and adult – specially the Basketball fanatics. The theme of the ad is very aspiring. It shows the â€Å"will to win† tagline, which drives the viewer of th is ad to buy Nike products so as to engender an inclination in them for success. The ambiance of this ad fits the Nike products and accessories like a glove. The positioning has been very clever done. It doesn’t show anywhere about the product, but it generates an appeal that when you are associated with the Nike brand, you have a feeling of success. The punch line â€Å"You will notice. You will scream. Because you want it to happen† and the main tagline â€Å"Will to win† is the backbone of the print ad apart from the celebrity basket ball player. As soon as the customer reads these lines, they drive a certain impetus in him/her which has a stimulating effect on the reader. The very famous sign of Nike says it all. The victory sign is always there in the Nike ads to support their taglines. Usually in their ad, text insinuating victory and success is being followed by the Nike ad. Language and typeface used in the ad are very clear and comprehensive. The langua ge, as mentioned earlier is very positive and stimulating. The typeface used is also very clear and immediately draws audience attention. All the text, messages and signs are being focused in the centre so as to draw as much attention as possible. However there are some â€Å"white spaces† or areas on the print ad which are left unused. The background of the ad is black which is in complete contrast with the celebrity player’s red shirt. The background has been carefully selected so as to make the celebrity and the text of the taglines more vivid (Pages) The ad has a very positive feeling, in fact

Saturday, August 24, 2019

INCREMENTAL SHEET FORMING ( Mechanical Engineering ) Essay - 1

INCREMENTAL SHEET FORMING ( Mechanical Engineering ) - Essay Example The manufacturing process is desirable for mass production because of the shared value of dies and punches with production of a large number. The performance of film forming distinct rolls to achieve a particular image was done in the past. This process is known as sheet metal rolling, but the process is possible for production of natural shapes. Therefore, the search for new sheet metal forming solutions has been started. The developments took the route of searching for new shapes of rolls, which in turn paved a way for new forming scopes. (Mecanica 2009) However, in a severe world industrialization competition, there is the need to obtain the demand for increasingly complex shapes. For the demands of complex requirements, metal plate stretching attempts have been made by outstanding prototypes, to reach the final shape. In order to contour the high volume demands, the use of presses for short lead times and production costs began. The main benefits of this method is the need for the formation of a significant essential tool for the plate formation. This increases cost of the tool, as a result of high production costs. The presses system establishment is suitable for mass production. Nevertheless, in the current global fierce competition, there is a need for more and more products that are complicated by the demand. For the achievement of the final requirements, attempts for sheet metal extension on exceptional prototype have been made to achieve the optimum shape. The formation of stretch metals on presses was adopted to handle mass production demands with more batch measurements at lower costs of manufacturing. However, the system was disadvantaged in that every product needed a specific tool, for the sheet metal development. This increases the device costs which results in higher production costs. Therefore, presses forming can be appropriate

Friday, August 23, 2019

Care of the Patient in the Surgical Environment Essay

Care of the Patient in the Surgical Environment - Essay Example It will also demonstrate skills to use equipment within the operating theatre and knowledge in associated dangers. Body The patient Patient Miss WC (not her real name) is an 82-year-old female who was having surgery after having fallen outside her house while waiting to cross the road during the morning hours. To safeguard her anonymity and confidentiality, she will be referred as Patient WC. Such confidentiality is being maintained in order to protect her identity and maintain her confidence in the nursing research and practice. She was diagnosed with a medial malleolus fracture in her right ankle and was scheduled to undergo an internal fixation of her fracture. She has been widowed for five years now, has two children, and a generally active social life. She is active in the local community social gatherings, joining her fellow senior citizens in various activities like ballroom dancing. In recent years since her husband’s death, she has minimized her involvement in the soc ial activities, mostly because she still feels saddened and lonely about losing her husband of 50 years. She also has limited her physical and social activities because she often feels easily tired and exhausted when engaging in her usual activities. She has no known medical problems, has had no previous operations, and no known allergies. Before her fracture, she has been independently mobile and has been generally carrying out her activities of daily living independently. At present, due to her injury, she has limited mobility and needs assistance in her daily activities. The initial assessment indicated that her BP was at 140/90; her height was 5 foot 4 inches and her weight was at 150 pounds placing her BMI at normal; heart rate at 75 bpm; breaths rate at 22 breaths per minute; and her temperature at 36.5 degrees Celsius. The fracture of her medial malleolus (right) is basically a fracture of her ankle. A medial malleolus fracture represents a fracture of the body processes in t he inner area of her ankle, known as the medial malleolus (Physio Advisor, 2008). The lower leg has the two long bones of the tibia and the fibula and the tibia has a bony process found in the inner aspect of the ankle, and such is known as the medial malleolus. In certain activities, stress is often placed on the tibia and the medial malleolus and this stress cause the medial malleolus to break (PhysioAdvisor, 2008). These breaks often occur in rolled ankles in instances of significant weight bearing forces. They may also be apparent during awkward landings from a jump, from falls following a direct blow to the front aspect of the ankle. It is a fracture common in running and jumping sports, usually with changes in direction in sports activities like football, soccer, rugby, and basketball (PhysioAdvisor, 2008). Patients with a medial malleolus fracture often express that they experience the sudden onset of a sharp and intense pain in the inner ankle or lower leg during their injur y (PhysioAdvisor, 2008). For some patients, limping is possible soon after their injury, but for some others, weight-bearing is often not possible, especially where their malleolus is misplaced. These patients may often experience swelling in their ankle, including bruising and pain on firm touching (PhysioAdvisor, 2008). Pain is often exacerbated by movements or with standing and walking.

MKT Assignment 02 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MKT Assignment 02 - Essay Example Gucci. Prada. Louis Vuitton. Coach. Herms. Chlo. Not anymore. Price - a meaningless word in accessories and leather product industry - is one now echoing deep. Interestingly, feminine sensibility has changed at industry's heels or, conversely, has prompted an unlikely change. Handbags - a long-standing feminine companion, a stamped LV projected for all eyes to see - have given way to shoes. In response to current crisis, major brands are working out marketing strategies stressing less on "new" and more on loyalty to existent classic offerings. Wall Street Journal Magazine qualifies current economic crisis as "Fact": Evidence suggests that after a long shopping hiatus last winter and spring, consumers have been tiptoeing back into stores to buy shoes, handbags and sunglasses, selectively [emphasis added]. (Bannon) "Selectively" is, in fact, telling. Indulgent consumers, losing huge financial assets, are psychologically speaking no longer interested in luxury per se but to keep up an image damaged hard in elite circles. In response, industry giants are adjusting to perceived shifts. Thus, a Prada bootie priced at $800+ during shopping splurge heydays now costs $495. Yet, bags are a standalone symbol for femininity - hence industry's, led by Louis Vuitton's, marketing strategy to enhance brand image of classic models. Saks Fifth Avenue and Chlo are following suit. Interestingly, an industry traditionally geared up to high-end, well-off, older consumers is currently turning to 18-to-25-year-olds stamped -by luxury industry - as "bunkie". Coach's Poppy - featuring sequins, jewels, bright colors, logos and metallics - is a clear example. Notwithstanding Coach's turn to, well, "bunkies" Poppy's features still retain an industry's hold [Insert Your Last Name] 2 on luxury values. Thus, in a mix of new market segmentation and pricing strategies, accessories industry eyes unlikely (untapped) markets during business-as-usual days. Yet, some big brands (e.g. Bottega Veneta) still refuse, at all costs, to compromise on price and stress more on quality and value. Consistently, Italian manufacturers show reluctance to offshore - an indication of still entrenched Italian all-in-the-family business culture. Major retail stores in major markets such as U.S. have, however, responded more briskly catering to more diverse global consumer segments. Indeed, one great opportunity current economic crisis offers to accessories industry leaders is including broader global market segments formerly inadequately served. Historically, market segments for accessories industry have taken as central to global marketing strategy North America, Western Europe, Australia, and Russia. As part of global marketing strategy, global brands such as mentioned above have enjoyed constant featuring in major fashion weeks in Paris, London, Milan and New York. Comparatively, little attention has been directed to emerging fashion weeks in Middle East (e.g. Dubai Fashion Week) and Indian Sub-Continent. In current global economic situation rethinking global marketing strategies becomes a mandate not only for expansion and growth but even for survival as global tastes

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Aims and Objectives for a Selected Business Essay Example for Free

Aims and Objectives for a Selected Business Essay †¢Describe what is meant by SMART objectives. An objective that follows SMART is more likely to succeed because it is clear (specific) so you know exactly what needs to be achieved. You can tell when it has been achieved (measurable) because you have a way to measure completion. A SMART objective is likely to happen because it is an event that is achievable. Before setting a SMART objective relevant factors such as resources and time were taken into account to ensure that it is realistic. Finally the timescale element provides a deadline which helps people focus on the tasks required to achieve the objective. The timescale element stops people postponing task completion. †¢Choose a business and describe its aim and 3 SMART objectives for how they can achieve their aim. TESCO: oTesco want to be able to keep their carbon emissions down by making new buildings, they also want to make their business objects which have to follow this method Specific this means that the business can make some specific objectives that the business wants to achieve, so if they want to hit a certain target of profit within a year they have to make a business plan or model to follow to achieve their goal. oMeasurable this means that if a business wants to make some money, they can measure it in a certain amount of time, so if a business can make  £1000 pound in a month, then maybe next month they could forecast making an increase of that amount by studying the business activities throughout that month. Achievable this means that a goal that the business can achieve with in a time period, so if a business wants to make  £1000 pound of profit in a month, then they could make it happen with the products that they might have to sell. oRealistic this means that a business has to make realistic goals which that they can achieve, so things like making  £1,500 pounds in a week, this is a realistic goal because it could be made depending on the sales in the that week. oTime related this means that each objective is set with in certain time, so it is like a dead line, if a business sets out to make and sell 5 computers in two weeks, then they now have time to create the product and then sell it within the time set.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Research into the history of klinefelters syndrome

Research into the history of klinefelters syndrome Many chromosomal abnormalities occur early in development and involve the sex chromosomes. Klinefelters Syndrome falls directly into this category. Klinefelters Syndrome is a genetic condition affecting the male population. The following information observes who discovered Klinefelters Syndrome and when it was first diagnosed. The etiology or genetic and environmental factors of the condition are discussed as well as complete description of the disability and the clear diagnostic criteria. The affects of Klinefelters Syndrome are more recognized in adulthood, when it is typically diagnosed. Many Klinefelters patients live out their entire lives without ever knowing they have the condition. Upon conclusion, there should be an adequate amount of information that will give you, the reader, valuable knowledge into the diagnosis and treatment of Klinefelters Syndrome. History Klinefelters Syndrome was first diagnosed in 1942 at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston Massachusetts (Schoenstadt, 2006). Dr. Harry Klinefelter was completing his fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital when he was assigned to work with Dr. Fuller Albright, also known as the father of endocrinology (Bock, 1993; Klinefelter Syndrome, 2006). Dr. Klinefelter came to examine nine adult men that had a common set of symptoms during the course of his fellowship (Klinefelter Syndrome, 2006). Dr. Klinefelter organized a case study that involved these nine men and their similarities and was encouraged by Dr. Albright to lead the study (Klinefelter Synrome, 2006). The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology was published in November of 1942 with the completed case study of these nine mens similar qualities, which Dr. Klinefelter identified as Klinefelters Syndrome (Klinefelter Syndrome, 2006). The report written by Dr. Klinefelter on these men described them as having testicular dysgenesis, elevated urinary gonadotropins, eunuchoidism, azoospermia, and gynecomastia, all of which have an effect on the underdeveloped size of the testes, the lack of the amount of testosterone produced by the testes, and infertility (Schoenstadt, 2006; Visootsak Graham, 2006). These adult males also exhibit enlarged breast and sparse facial hair (Schoenstadt, 2006). Two groups found out fourteen years after Dr. Klinefelters original description of the syndrome, that the buccal mucosal cells contained an extra chromatin mass or that the cells were chromatin positive (Klinefelter, 1966). Although the patients were described as having a positive female sex chromatin, Dr. Klinefelter states that the patients are phenotypic males and should never be considered otherwise (Klinefelter, 1996). Fourteen years after Dr. Klinefelter first diagnosed Klinefelters Syndrome, another case study was performed to further understand the characteristics that define the condition (Klinefelter Syndrome, 2006). In 1956, Dr. Joe Hin Tjio and Dr. Albert Lavan took the research further to determine the factors that made those men with Klinefelters Syndrome dissimilar from normal adult males through genetic research (Klinefelter Syndrome, 2006; Schoenstadt, 2006). With the advanced experimental methodology available, Dr. Joe Hin Tjio and Dr. Albert Lavan found that humans had 23 pairs of chromosomes, confirming 46 chromosomes, which prior to this time there was thought to be 48 chromosomes (Bock, 1993; Klinefelter Syndrome, 2006). This clarification by Dr. Tjio and Dr. Lavan is the basic foundation for modern cytogenetics, the study of chromosomes and diseases originating from numerical or structural abnormalities in chromosomes (Klinefelter Syndrome, 2006). Dr. Tjio and Dr. Lavan discovered that men with symptoms of Klinefelters Syndrome had an extra sex chromosome that created the chromosomal arrangement of XXY, which is distinct to the normal male chromosomal arrangement of XY (Klinefelter Syndrome, 2006; Schoenstadt, 2006,). Klinefelter Syndrome was still believed to be an endocrine disorder of unknown etiology at this time (Visootsak Graham, 2006). In 1959, just three years after Dr. Tjio and Dr. Lavan made their historical discoveries, an English researcher by the name of Dr. Patricia Jacobs and her associate Dr. J. A. Strong published a study supplementing earlier studies (Klinefelter Syndrome, 2006; Noble, 2003). Dr. Jacobs and Dr. Strong found the link between the endocrinal disease and the extra X sex chromosome (Noble, 2003). Dr. Jacobs linked forty-seven chromosomes in Klinefelters Syndrome males and determined it to be the X chromosome, which she considered an aneuploidy defined as an unusual number of chromosomes and labeled 47, XXY (Bock, 1993; Klinefelter Syndrome, 2006; Schoenstadt, 2006). The 1970s brought forth a larger examination of males born with Klinefelters Syndrome (Bock, 1993). During this time doctors began screening newborn male babies for the extra chromosome (Bock, 1993; Visootsak Graham, 2006). The most significant of the studies done at this time was sponsored by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) whom examined over forty thousand infants for this extra chromosome (Bock, 1993; Visootsak Graham, 2006). This study was important for the reason that most studies done prior to the 1970s were biased and primarily done on adult males in mental institutions and the penal system (Visootsak Graham, 2006). At this time is when the prevalence of Klinefelters Syndrome was noticed as frequently as one in five hundred to one in one thousand male newborns (Bock, 1993; Visootsak Graham, 2006). Also observed in this study was the reduction in speech and language abilities as well as decreased reading and spelling achievement (Bock, 1993; Visootsak Graham, 2006). Along with these disabilities, Klinefelters patients are characterized by an increased tendency towards fertility, endocrinal, and psychiatric disorders (Noble, 2003). This study demonstrated that most but not all of these males born with the extra chromosome will have these characteristics, and many demonstrate varying degrees of the characteristics (Bock, 1993; Visootsak Graham, 2006). Based on this research it has been found that the extra X chromosome that causes Klinefelters Syndrome is very common, however, the symptoms and characteristics that are most recognizable are quit uncommon (B ock, 1993). Most males are not diagnosed as having Klinefelters Syndrome until they reach adulthood, and many that have the syndrome are never diagnosed as having this chromosomal defect at all (Bock, 1993). One pediatrician at the University of Colorado Medical School in Denver and the director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) during the major screening research referred to these newborn males as not having Klinefelters Syndrome because of the possibility that the characteristics may not develop into a syndrome (Bock, 1993; Visootsak Graham, 2006). Etiology and Genetic Factors Every normal human cell has 46 chromosomes that are made up of 23 pairs (Stewart, 2007). Of these 23 pairs, there are 22 that are exactly the same in both males and females called autosomes (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2010). The 23rd pair of sex chromosomes is what makes males and females different in that the male will have only one X and Y chromosome whereas the female will have two copies of the X chromosome (Stewart, 2007; U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2010). During the formation of the egg and the sperm, or gametes, the chromosomes are halved through a process called meiosis (Stewart, 2007; The Dorsey, 2009). Cells that carry a single chromosome such as the X or Y chromosome are called haploid cells (The Dorsey, 2009). When the egg and sperm join carrying 23 chromosomes each they create the fertile egg, or zygote, which has two haploid sets of chromosomes (The Dorsey, 2009). Therefore, the baby receives two copies of each chromosome, 46 total chromosomes, just like the parents (Stewart, 2007). The extra X in Klinefelter Syndrome is caused from either nondisjunction or anaphase lag. Nondisjunction occurs when the chromosome pairs do not separate as they are intended in the meiosis I or meiosis II stage (Pineyard Zipf, 2003; Stewart, 2007). When this happens there may be a chromosome pair with 24 chromosomes instead of the 23 chromosomes (Stewart, 2007). If this chromosome pair of 24 joins with an egg or sperm with 23 chromosomes then it results in a karotype with 47 chromosomes (Stewart, 2007). In this case there will be three copies of chromosomes rather than the usual two copies of chromosomes (Stewart, 2007). The sperm or egg may donate the extra X chromosome at conception causing a chromosomal abnormality (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2008; Stewart, 2007). This forms the XXY chromosomal formation, which is diagnosed as Klinefelters Syndrome. At least half of 47, XXY conceptions are spontaneously aborted (Pineyard Zipf, 2003). The chromosomal abnormality is random and not known to be caused by any environmental factors (Genetic Science Learning Center, 2010; Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2008; National Institute of Health, 2007). This anomaly happens entirely by chance and is unrelated to family history prior to the male childs birth (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2008). This is to say that the male embryos likelihood of being born with Klinefelters Syndrome is not increased or decreased by what the parent does or does not do (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2008). Klinefelters Syndrome is not affected by race (Chen, 2010). This is a completely random occurrence of the sex chromosomes not successfully separating during the formation of the egg or the sperm (Genetic Science Learning Center, 2010). Once this occurs the extra chromosome is then copied into every cell of the embryo (Genetics Science Learning Center, 2008). There are extremely rare cases when there may be three or four extra X chromosomes in all copies of the cells known as 48,XXXY or 49, XXXXY (Stewart, 2007). The 49, XXXXY mosaic is also known as Fraccaros Syndrome and is the most rare form of Klinefelters Syndrome (Duenas et al., 2007). This rare chromosomal abnormality results in more exaggerated features of Klinefelters Syndrome (Stewart, 2007). There are instances where an extra X chromosome is found in only some of the cells (Stewart, 2007). This can be found as two different chromosomal patterns (Stewart, 2007). One pattern occurs when some cells have 46 chromosomes and some have 47 chromosomes (Stewart, 2007). The other pattern is called the mosaic XXY syndrome, or chromosomal mosaicism, and affects approximately six percent of these cases, with the most rare cases being the 48, XXXY or the 49, XXXXY, or other arrangements of X chromosomes (Stewart, 2007). The mosaic XXY syndrome occurs only after conception from a mistake in cell division (Stewart, 2007). Anaphase lag is a result of a gamete lacking a sex chromosome (Klinefelter, 1966). When this chromosome lags it is not incorporated into the new cell during the mitosis stage (Kinefelter, 1996). Anaphase lag is thought to be a reason for the mosaic variations of Klinefelters Syndrome (Klinefelter, 1966). Although the chromosomal abnormality of 49, XXXXY is considered to be a variant form of Klinefelters Syndrome, it appears to have a very independent, distinct phenotype (Duenas et al., 2007). Males that show the 49, XXXXY chromosomal structure have much more severe clinical features than that of a Klinefelters Syndrome male (Duenas et al., 2007). This is the most rare of the Klinefelters Syndrome variants and has been reported in over one hundred cases with the frequency being approximately 1 in 85,000 newborn males (Duenas et al., 2007). There have been reports of an even more extreme variant of Klinefelters Syndrome mosaic in newborn males (Duenas et al., 2007). This variant is a 47, XXY/48, XXXY/49, XXXXY mosaicism and has only been reported in three cases according to a researcher in Mexico (Duenas et al., 2007). This means that the male newborn would have the whole spectrum of XY variations. Another variant that affects only males is the 46, XX chromosomal variation (Bock, 1993). This condition occurs when individuals have two X chromosomes in each cell, but are male in appearance. These individuals have male external geniltalia. These individuals also have small, undescended testes possibly along with an urethra opening on the underside of the penis. A small amount of 46, XX Males have external geniltalia that dont clearly resemble either male or female genitalia. These individuals are typically raised male. Phenotypically, there are three groups of these sex-reversed individuals. The first group includes phenotypically normal XX Males, the second group includes the males with genital ambiguities, and the third group is the true hermaphrodites (Bock, 1993). Description of Characteristics or Traits Klinefelters Syndrome has only one constant physical description and that is the small testicular size (Visootsak Graham, 2003). Boys with Klinefelters Syndrome have variable phenotypic characteristics with no obvious facial dysmorphology (Visootsak Graham, 2003). The presence of gynconemastia, or enlarged breast, and other findings of eunuchoid body habits and sparse body hair vary (Visootsak Graham, 2003). Eunuchoid or eunuchoidism is defined as an abnormal condition in males, characterized by underdeveloped reproductive organs with some female characteristics, such as a higher voice or the lack of facial and body hair that results in the lack of male sex hormones (Eunuchoidism, n.d.). Gonadotropins are produced by glands, such as the pituitary, and can result in sparse body hair when not produced adequately (Gonadotropin, 2010). The medical dictionary states that eunuchoidism is marked by a deficiency of sexual development with the persistence of prepubertal characteristics, and often has the presence of characteristics that are typical of the opposite sex (Eunuchoidism, n.d.). Another likely characteristic is azoospermia (Schoenstadt, 2006; Visootsak Graham, 2006). Azoospermia is defined as having little or no sperm count (Azoospermia, 2010). Testicular dysgenesis, or gonadal dysgenesis, is another characteristic of Klinefelters Syndrome (Schoenstadt, 2006; Visootsak Graham, 2006). Testicular dysgenesis is considered a reproductive system developmental disorder that causes a progressive loss of primordial germ cells, or cells that create gametes, in the developing gonads of an embryo (Gonadal dysgenesis, 2010). This gonadal dysgenesis can lead to the extremely hypoplastic, or underdeveloped, and disfunctioning gonads mainly composed of fibrous tissues (Gonadal dysgenesis, 2010). Most infants and children with the 47, XXXY chromosomal abnormalities go through normal growth stages. It is not until puberty that the Klinefelters Syndrome characteristics or traits become more prevalent and noticeable (Visootsak Graham, 2003). There is a significant increase in height between the ages of five and eight (Visootsak Graham, 2003). Another characteristic of Klinefelters Syndrome is the elongated length of arms and legs (Klinefelter, 1966). There is a decrease in androgen production that causes the secondary sexual characteristics to not fully develop (Visootsak Graham, 2003). An androgen is any substance such as androsterone or testosterone that supports male characteristics (Androgen, n.d.). Typically Klinefelters males are infertile (Visootsak Graham, 2003). However, there have been cases of impregnation without the assistance of medical technology (Visootsak Graham, 2003). Autoimmune diseases such as juvenile arthritis can also be present in Klinefelters adolescents. Whereas boys with Klinefelters Syndrome are generally tall with long limbs and remain thin until puberty, they tend to suffer from obesity latter in life. Neurocognitive effects of Klinefelters Syndrome may be more subtle than that of the physical stigmata. Klinefelters males have been found to have relative deficits on verbal IQ subtests and have verbal IQ scores around 20 points lower than those of unaffected siblings. There are also deficits in articulation, word finding, phonemic processing, verbal memory, language comprehension, oral expression problems, as well as linguistic processing speed. It seems that the speech/language problems and some motor deficits are most common in Klinefelters males that have an extra X chromosome. Ninety-two percent of individuals with Klinefelters Syndrome confirm difficulty learning to read. Seventy percent had reading achievement discrepancies or absolute reading deficits on standardized testing. A group of boys with mental retardation and suspicion of fragile X were subject to a genetic screening and the results showed that eight of these boys had Klinefelters Syndrome. Most of the more extreme verbal, visuospatial, and motor skills, such as found in mental retardation and fragile X syndrome are typically spa red. However, some boys with Klinefelters Syndrome suffer from poor manual dexterity and are commonly found to be clumsy and below average in sports (Wodrich Tarbox, 2008). There are many different factors that may underlie linguistic and reading problems. One possibility is a dysfunction of the left hemisphere that may be related to diminished gray matter or a lack of hemispheric asymmetry, or both. It is also possible that executive and frontal deficits may be a cause (Wodrich Tarbox). There is evidence that language is a fundamental issue for Klinefelters children and this can result in further scholastic issues. This problem seems to manifest as dyslexia as defined by poor reading in the setting of normal intelligence. Klinefelters males have also been observed to have difficulties with arithmetical functions. The deficits in auditory processing and verbal memory are the two key cognitive processes that underlie these difficulties. These deficits are also true for normal chromosomal children with dyslexia. The findings are supportive of the concept that defects in frontal systems seem to be caused by a language-based, left frontal-systems problem (Geschwind Dykens, 2004). Adult Klinefelters males have reported to have difficulties with mental flexibility (Wodrich Dykens, 2004). Even with these studies, it should be noted that not all adults that have Klinefelters Syndrome show these classic patterns of verbal deficits that are observed in children (Geschwind Dykens, 2004). However, these findings are not appropriate for all Klinefelters males, many of which complete high school and move on to post-secondary education successfully (Wodrich Tarbox, 2008). Two characteristics that has been falsely associated with Klinefelters males in the past, is sociopathy and criminal behavior. There is, contrary to this belief, fewer psychiatric problems reported among these individuals. However, there are commonly traits of introversion, unassertiveness, and a paucity or lack of ambition. There are also possible traits of impulsivity and social inappropriateness (Wodrich Tarbox, 2008). A Reiss Profile of Fundamental Goals measurement was used to assess the degrees of which Klinefelters males were motivated in 15 domains (Geschwind Dykens, 2004). The Reiss Profile generates a profile that is based on the motivational sensitivities across the domains of aversive sensations, citizenship, family, curiosity, honor, independence, food, order, physical exercise, rejection, power, sex, social contact, vengeance, and social prestige. The Reiss Profile is a well-established psychometric measure that is being used more and more to assess people with and without mental retardation (Geschwind Dykes, 2004). The results suggested that the Klinefelters male group was not particularly motivated by the need for social prestige, independence, or the desire to seek vengeance. This group was also not motivated to avoid physical pain. The general motivator for all the Klinefelters males in this group was curiosity. There were no age effects to this study (Geschwind Dykes, 2004). Characteristics in Adulthood There is a persistent deficiency of androgen in adulthood that can result in the loss of libido, decreased muscle bulk and tone, decreased bone density, a propensity for thromboembolism (an obstruction in a vein or artery from a blood clot), and an increased risk of mortality from cardiovascular and diabetic complications. A common characteristic for Klinefelters adults is gynecomastia (Wattendorf Muenke, 2005). Gynecomastia involves the risk of developing breast carcinoma. There is 200 times more of a risk for Klinefelters males to develop breast carcinoma than other karyotypically normal individuals. This may be a result of the estradiol (the prominant sex hormone in females) to testosterone ratio being so much higher that karyotypically normal men. Another possibility is that it is caused by the increase of peripheral conversion of testosterone to estradiol (Visootsak Graham, 2006). There are different views as to whether Klinefelters adult males are more aggressive or have a greater chance of psychological issues depending on the resource. One study describes the differences as relative to individual testosterone levels and the age at which they received the diagnosis (Morris, Jackson, Hancock, 2009). Equally, there is an impact from the way the diagnosis is reacted to by the Klinefelters male, the family, and friends or peers. The seven major themes that emerged from this study were the diagnosis, the testosterone treatments, health care problems, appearance, self-identity, relationships, and school and education. Of the Klinefelters adults studied, 60 % reported clinical levels of anxiety and 34% had clinical levels of depression. The results of this study show that a prolonged lack of testosterone can have far reaching negative effects on the Klinefelters adult (Morris, Jackson, Hancock, 2009). The historical studies show a disturbingly increased risk for psychiatric disturbance, criminality, and mental retardation. However, these results are outdated and extremely questionable given the initial examinations were given to institutionalized populations (Chen, 2010). Differential Diagnosis Classic Klinefelters Syndrome, 47, XXY, cases make up approximately 80-90% of all Klinefelters diagnosis. There are approximately 6-10% of these cases that are mosaics, which are the cells with 46, XY/47, XXY; 46, XY/48, XXXY; and 47, XXXY/48, XXXY (Chen, 2010; Visootsak Graham, 2003; Visootsak Graham, 2006). In 5% of the cases there are two X chromosomes without a Y chromosome or 46, XX (Visootsak Graham, 2006). The other cases were karyotypes 48, XXXY, 48, XXYY, 49, XXXXY, and 49, XXXYY (Visootsak Graham, 2003). Approximately 1% of these cases are due to a structurally abnormal X with a normal X and Y chromosome described as kayotypes 47, X,i(Xq)Y and 47, X,del(X)Y (Chen, 2010). Klinefelters Syndrome variants occur much less frequently than the classic 47, XXY chromosomal abnormality (Bock, 1993; Visootsak Graham, 2006). Klinefelter variant 48, XXXY is characterized by being average or tall stature with ocular hyperterlorism, which are widely spaced or deep set eyes; flat nasal bridge; curving of the fifth finger, or clinodactyly. Other characteristics are small penis and testicles with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, which is the absence or decrease in function of the male testes. Theses individuals intelligence quotients range from 40-60. Variant 48, XXYY is characterized by having a tall stature, an eunuchoid habitus with long legs, sparse body hair, small testicles and penis, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism and gynecomastia. These individuals intelligence quotients range from 60-80. Males with variant 49, XXXXY are severely affected. They have smaller than average head circumference also known as microcephaly, short stature with ocular hypertelorism, flat nasal bridge, and upslanting palpebral fissures. Cleft palates are present along with small geniltalia and a heart defect known as patent ductus arteriosus. These individuals intelligence quotients range from 20-60. (Visootsak and Graham, 2003). Klinefelters Syndrome 47, XXY, has no major physical signs, which explains why it may go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed throughout an individuals life. Also with no physical signs, it is truly only diagnosed when genetic testing occurs for a variety of unrelated reasons. Klinefelters Syndrome may be diagnosed prenatally or during early childhood, as an adolescent during puberty, or as an adult when there are recognized fertility problems (Bock, 1993). Klinefelters Syndrome can be diagnosed prenatally through amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (Bock, 1993). These tests are normally done if the pregnant woman is older than 35, if there is a family history of genetic defects, or when other medical indications exist (Bock, 1993). A pediatrician may suspect a male child as having Klinefelters Syndrome if there are delays in learning to talk or difficulties in reading and writing as well as physical abnormalities during adolescence (Bock, 1993). Treatments and Interventions All hope is not lost when it comes to the treatment and interventions of the undesirable traits and characteristics that males diagnosed with Klinefelters Syndrome may display or develop. It is recommended that Klinefelters males have a comprehensive neurodevelopmental evaluation as soon as they have been diagnosed. A multidisciplinary developmental evaluation can determine the appropriate treatments during infancy and early childhood. These treatments may include physical therapy, infant simulation programs, and speech therapy (Wattendorf, 2005). If the language difficulties are detected in childhood, then there is more of a possibility for intervention. The language barriers that Klinefelters males may have to cope with can not only affect their academics, it can obstruct their building of social relationships and learning social skills necessary for these relationships. Here is where the Klinefelters child could benefit from a social skills training program. In a social skills training program, the Klinefelters child will be able to practice talking and listening, observing childrens making friends processes, sharing of information, attitudes, and beliefs. This will also assist them in proper classroom behavior and playground behavior. Language disabilities and barriers can prevent Klinefelters males from fitting in socially, so this kind of intervention and assistance can benefit the child greatly. Hearing can be an issue if frequent ear infections occur. Hearing test and screens should be done to ensure that a hearing impairment is not a part of the language difficulties. If the Klinefelters child is not communicating effectively with single words by the ages of 18 to 24 months, then consultation with a speech and language pathologist will be very beneficial (Klinefelter Syndrome Information, 2002). Teachers should be informed of the difficulties that a Klinefelters child may be dealing with in the classroom. A teacher may consider the Klinefelters child to be lazy and daydreaming and a teacher may even forget the child is even in the room. This can result in the Klinefelters child falling behind and eventually being held back a grade. Under the Public Law 94-142, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, adopted by Congress in 1975, all children with disabilities have a right to a free, and appropriate public education (Klinefelter Syndrome Information, 2002). Once the Klinefelters male reaches puberty there is usually an inability to produce a normal amount of testosterone. This along with hypogonadism can result in impaired bone mineral density and skeletal muscle development. Also associated with testosterone deficiency is a decrease in libido and energy (Wattendorf Muenke, 2005). Androgen therapy or Testosterone Treatment should begin by time the Klinefelters male reaches middle school, approximately 12 to 14 years of age, based on the level of pubertal development (Klinefelter Syndrome Information, 2002; Wattendorf Muenke, 2005). Testosterone Treatment will ultimately increase the muscle size and strength, as well as, promoting the growth of body and facial hair. It must be noted that Testosterone Treatments can also bring on psychological changes. It is important to adequately inform the parent(s) and the child of these changes so that they can make the most informed decision (Klinefelter Syndrome Information, 2002). There are diff erent ways to receive Testosterone Treatment and that is through injections, transdermal (patches, gels, or creams), orally, or implantation. The kind of testosterone injection will depend mainly on the dosage used and the country in which you receive the injections. Some injectable testosterone esters are Testosterone enanthate, Testosterone cypionate, Sustanon, Testosterone propionate, Testosterone phenylpropionate, Omnadren, and Aqueous testosterone suspension. Types of transdermal patches are Androderm and Testosterone TTS. Two different kinds of testosterone gels and creams are Androgel, and Testim. A few oral supplements include Methyltestosterone and Testosterone undecanoate. The last form of Testosterone Treatment is the Subcutaneous testosterone pellet, which is delivered by implanting a pellet of pure, crystalline testosterone under the skin of the buttocks or abdomen (Testosterone Types and Delivery, n.d.). Adult males with Klinefelters Syndrome usually develop gynecomastia which predisposes men to breast cancer. Therefore, it is important that Klinefelters males do monthly breast examinations. If gynecomastia causes psychological or physical problems, then possible treatment would be cosmetic surgery to remove the breast tissue (Wattendorf Muenke, 2005). Swerdlow et. al (2005) stated that men with Klinefelter Syndrome have elevated risks of several cancers. Prostate cancer, along with breast cancer was more prevalent. Men with Klinefelter Syndrome are also at a substantially higher risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and possibly lung cancer. Breast cancer risk is higher in 47, XXY mosaics. Adult males may face possible infertility issues due to the lack of testosterone production, but if diagnosed early on, this can be minimized and they will be able to reproduce without outside assistance. Summary Klinefelter Syndrome is one of the more recently discovered medical syndromes. Klinefelter Syndrome is not one that causes major dysfunctions and is usually only discovered during genetic testing for infertility or during prenatal testing due to maternal age or prior genetic issues within the family. Because Klinefelter Syndrome has not had a lot of research until the last few years, there is no federal funding set aside for this syndrome. Families with sons that are found to be affected by it have no real support system that is knowledgeable of this syndrome and have to research on their own and create resources to fit their situation as none are available in most areas.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Developing A Mobile Application For Kingston Library Computer Science Essay

Developing A Mobile Application For Kingston Library Computer Science Essay As part of my course, I will be developing a mobile application for Kingston University Library for my dissertation. The application will be designed for Android devices. I chose Android platform because it is distributed under open source licence and becoming hugely popular. Also Android app developer can take advantage of the mobile hardware design and can sell the app easily in Android market. The main users of my application will be students where they can access the system by login using their ID and password. My application will have a library catalogue search feature which will return a brief summary, book details and availability for each entry. The application will also include basic information about all libraries, such as locations, opening times, contact details etc. Accessing the online resources and Epay are currently not included in the requirements but which can be implemented if time permits or at a later stage. As the code will be written in Java, JDK from Sun has to be installed on the system. I will be using Eclipse IDE to develop the application. Android developer website offers all the guidance and required tools needed to develop an Android app which will be extremely beneficial for me as I am completely new to mobile application development. The initial stages in project development will include SWOT analysis, Use Case diagrams, requirements specification, and UML diagrams. A project plan and a risk analysis has been devised for the smooth running of the project by taking into consideration of the varying demands of each phase. Introduction and Background Mobile devices have evolved significantly during the last decade making it a necessity in everyday life. They are now more than just a means to make a phone conversation. The smart phones cater for all kinds of users whether they want to do business or just to have fun. This created a boom in mobile software applications ranges from simple games to complex navigational systems. There are apps suitable for every customer making them a must have to make life a lot easier in todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s busy lifestyle. The most popular Smartphones in the current industry are Apple iPhone, Blackberry, Microsoft Windows Mobile, Android and Symbian. I have chosen Android platform by Open Handset Alliance to develop my application because it is open source and its members such as Google, HTC and T-mobile offers extensive developer support through its developer website. According to market research Android phones are set to increase their current market share of 9% to 30% by 2014. As the Android market offers an online application store to download both paid and free apps for its customers it is easier to access a variety of Android apps. I will be developing an Android application for Kingston University Library System that will enable the students to access the library account to login, search books, renew books and access library hours, location and contact information. My initial approach will be to focus on Android platform but if possible I would develop this app compatible with other platforms as well. Some institutions such as Cambridge University have their library app already implemented. So this will be a first step towards having a mobile library application for Kingston University. I will be looking into other organisationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ mobile library applications as well to give me an insight into the field. The major stakeholders of this application will be I and students of Kingston University but maybe in the future this learning experience will enable me to develop apps for other institutions or create a universal library system by collaborating with other institutions. Aims and Objectives The main aim of the project will be to design and deliver a mobile application for the Kingston University Library on time. During this process I can learn about the latest trends and technologies available in the market so that after the completion of my course I can either secure a job in the mobile app development or work as a freelance app developer. This project will enable be to implement the skills I have learned so far during the course and widen my knowledge about mobile application development tools and techniques. I am hoping to produce a professional and effective library app for Kingston University. I will take this learning experience as an opportunity to explore the latest standards and approaches towards developing effective mobile applications. I am planning to implement extra functionalities that are not already available in other mobile apps such as adding credit to library card, though the security in mobile devices is questionable. Technologies and Resources Android software comes with an operating system, a middleware and key applications. It is a multi user Linux system in which each application is treated as a different user. The platform uses Java programming language. Android 2.3 is the latest version of Android operating system for Smartphone which will be used in developing my application. Android Architecture Following are the major development tools required: Sunà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Java Development Kit Eclipse IDE Android Software Development Kit The Android Developer tool (ADT) Plug-in for Eclipse The Android emulator can be used to debug applications but latest Android phones such as Samsung Galaxy S || which uses Android 2.3 can be used to run the application in a real time environment. Kingston Universityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s current library system uses Aquabrowser by Serial Solutions which has a user friendly interface and a feature rich environment. It will be a challenge to implement all the features of Aquabrowser for a mobile device. So at this point I am concentrating on the basic library operations. During the project analysis phase, SWOT analysis will be executed to get a better understanding of the industry. A requirements analysis will be carried out to specify the functional and non-functional requirements. UML diagram is also very useful in plotting the activity and sequence diagrams so is the Use Case analysis. I will be adopting Agile software development approach to execute my project which involves iterations that are of short time frames. Project Planning A project plan has been developed using Gantt chart by breaking the project in to small manageable processes for the smooth operation. The duration allocated for each steps reflect the effort and skills needed, allocating maximum duration for implementation. Project Management Gantt Chart Tasks Start Date Duration End Date Project Proposal 01/02/2011 30 03/03/2011 Analysis 01/03/2011 32 02/04/2011 Design 02/04/2011 31 03/05/2011 Interim Report 20/06/2011 10 30/06/2011 Poster Presentation 24/06/2011 10 04/07/2011 Implementation 03/05/2011 83 25/07/2011 Evaluation 25/07/2011 21 15/08/2011 Documentation 15/08/2011 31 15/09/2011 Submission 15/09/2011 7 22/09/2011 Risk Assessment and Evaluation The major risks involved in this process that will make the project to fall behind schedule will be lack of development knowledge, hardware failure, and requirements modifications. I have developed an action plan to minimise these risks and any unforeseen circumstances not to affect the project deadline. Risks Action Requirements modifications Update the requirements and continue Conflict in requirements Update the requirements and continue Hardware failure Always back up, Locate alternatives Competitors new releases Propose something different Flaws in schedule Edit and update the schedule Lagging behind schedule Always keep a diary to note activities Poor productivity Update skills and allocate more time

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Call to Dinner Essay -- Art, George Agnew Reid

The Call to Dinner was painted from 1886 to 1887 by George Agnew Reid. The painting is an oil on canvas and is large scale, measuring 48 inches in height and 71 inches in length. Reid’s paintings were often large and it was said â€Å"one canvas could dominate a room crowded with people.† Early in his artistic career, Reid became known for his genre scenes. Genre painting depicts scenes from everyday life. In The Call to Dinner, the use of oil paint allows Reid to emphasize the principles of genre painting while permitting the enhancement of realism and naturalism within the composition. In oil painting, ground pigment is mixed with linseed or walnut oil. The oil creates a smooth sheen over the surface of the painting. Finished in 1887, it is most likely that linseed oil was used as a base for the pigment due to the limited amount of cracking seen today. The benefits presented by oil paint include a slow drying time, which allows for increased flexibility and subtly in colour mixing and blending. Also, oil paint can be applied thicker than other mediums, such as tempera. The focal point of the scene is the woman calling out into the distance. The subject of the painting appears to stand in arrested motion. The lips of the woman appear parted suggesting the action of speech. The woman is depicted wearing a greyish-blue dress, white apron, red scarf and a straw hat. The woman is holding the brim of her hat with her left hand, indicating the potential force of wind on the figures within the scene. Her hat is painted in fine detail. Reid uses short, thick brush strokes to imitate the weaves of the hat, creating realistic texture. The building up of consistent layers of oil paint creates the porcelain like texture of the woman’s s... ...n the painting is a darker tone of blue, whereas closer to the paintings linear horizon, the blue changes to a lighter, almost white hue. The formal properties of The Call to Dinner by George Agnew Reid contribute to the successfulness of the genre scene and assist in finding meaning within the painting. Through the benefits of oil paint, Reid is able to achieve a high level of realism and naturalism in The Call to Dinner. The versatility of the medium allows the artist to enhance all details and elements within a painting and present a realistic reflection of everyday life. Naturalism in movement is heightened by the medium’s ability to subtly blend. Textural elements, replicating the forms of reality, are created through the adaptability of oil on canvas. The formal properties of the medium allow the artist to shed light on a single moment in rural life.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Nature of Evil Essay -- Morality

Evil is the violation of a moral code. Evil is the dualistic opposite of good. Evil causes harm. While scattered dictionaries may offer these clear-cut definitions, in reality a theme so prevalent in all spheres of life from the dawn of man takes on limitless forms. The word itself has come to symbolize the dividing line between regular people and callous monsters; demonic criminals who show no sign of compassion and no adherence to virtue. Ideas concerning evil have been strung along through the schools of theology, the minds of society, and the theories of philosophy throughout the history of mankind. The dichotomy between the opposing ideas of good and evil sets apart a gray area ignored by the black and white view of morality. In this gray area, reason, incentive, and relativism come into light. It is only when one investigates the meaning of evil from religious, social, and philosophical vantage points that they may truly discover the nature of evil. In religion, the concepts of good and evil refer to a range of objects, desires, and behaviors which constitute morally positive and morally negative consequences on a spiritual level. Good is a broad concept typically comprised by associations with charity, happiness, love, and prosperity. Evil, on the other hand, can represent deliberate wrongdoing, actions designed to harm others, humiliation of people with the intent to diminish their needs and dignity, and acts of violence. Although each major religion varies in its distinctions of the two conceptions of morality, good and bad are cultural universals originating from Pre-Socratic philosophical notions. Morality in its absolute sense can be traced back to the dialogues of Plato. Book IV of Plato’s â€Å"Republic† ... ...ed on their experiences. Works Cited Eagleton, Terry. "The Nature Of Evil." Tikkun 26.1 (2011): 80-94. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 Dec. 2011. Formosa, Paul. "Kant On The Radical Evil Of Human Nature." Philosophical Forum 38.3 (2007): 221-245. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 Dec. 2011. Thomas Aquinas, SUMMA THEOLOGICA, translated by the Fathers of the English Dominician Province (New York: Benziger Brothers, 1947) Volume 3, q. 72, a. 1, p. 902 Hans Schwarz, Evil: A Historical and Theological Perspective (Lima, Ohio: Academic Renewal Press, 2001): 42–43 Gaymon Bennett, Ted Peters, Martinez J. Hewlett, Robert John Russell (2008). "The evolution of evil". Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. p.318. Parry, Richard D. "Morality And Happiness: Book IV Of Plato's Republic." Journal Of Education 178.3 (1996): 31. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 Dec. 2011.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Reaction between Valine and Serine

A DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is composed of 4 different bases; adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T). Applying these 4 bases it may contain thousands of sequences within a single strand. Each of these bases makes a specific pairing with a corresponding base whereby the double helix structure is synthesised. This interaction is called base-paring and the complementary base pairs are; T pairs only with A and C only with G. Through this simple coding language, the DNA carries and represents its vast genetic information.Through a process called transcription, the genetic information of DNA is copied to form an intermediary molecule termed ribonucleic acid (RNA/messenger RNA). This formation is synthesised in the same way as DNA replication. However this process occurs only on one DNA strand called template strand. Thus the mRNA is only a single strand with 4 bases; adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and uracil (U). The base-pairing rules are,DNAmRNAGC CG TA AUThis w ill be synthesised through enzyme RNA polymerase and happens in the nucleus of the cell.This transcribed mRNA consist the genetic code, which is used to generate proteins in the following process called translation. This code is comprised of triplets that specifies an amino acid (e.g. AUG for methionine) and named as codon. These codons are recognised by transfer RNA. T-RNA can bind specific amino acid on one side by means of enzymes and has got an anticodon consists of triplets on the other side. Each amino acid has got its own tRNA. The 1st mRNA codon will be always AUG, the start codon. Once the 2nd  amino acid is bound to the 1st one, the 1st tRNA will be released and the 3rd one follows. This process is repeated until the so-called stop-codon in the mRNA terminates the growing protein synthesis. The completed protein is then released and takes its own characteristic shape. This process occurs in the cytosol of the cell.The four-character language of DNA/mRNA can be converted into 20-character language of protein. However there are 64 combinations of mRNA codons as there are 4 possibilities for the 1st codon and 4 for the 2nd and 4 for the 3rd (4 x 4 x 4 = 64). Certainly there are many codons for many amino acids; however some are not, for instant stop-/start codons. Reaction between Valine and Serine A DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is composed of 4 different bases; adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T). Applying these 4 bases it may contain thousands of sequences within a single strand. Each of these bases makes a specific pairing with a corresponding base whereby the double helix structure is synthesised. This interaction is called base-paring and the complementary base pairs are; T pairs only with A and C only with G. Through this simple coding language, the DNA carries and represents its vast genetic information.Through a process called transcription, the genetic information of DNA is copied to form an intermediary molecule termed ribonucleic acid (RNA/messenger RNA). This formation is synthesised in the same way as DNA replication. However this process occurs only on one DNA strand called template strand. Thus the mRNA is only a single strand with 4 bases; adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and uracil (U). The base-pairing rules are,DNAmRNAGC CG TA AUThis w ill be synthesised through enzyme RNA polymerase and happens in the nucleus of the cell.This transcribed mRNA consist the genetic code, which is used to generate proteins in the following process called translation. This code is comprised of triplets that specifies an amino acid (e.g. AUG for methionine) and named as codon. These codons are recognised by transfer RNA. T-RNA can bind specific amino acid on one side by means of enzymes and has got an anticodon consists of triplets on the other side.Each amino acid has got its own tRNA. The 1st mRNA codon will be always AUG, the start codon. Once the 2nd  amino acid is bound to the 1st one, the 1st tRNA will be released and the 3rd one follows. This process is repeated until the so-called stop-codon in the mRNA terminates the growing protein synthesis. The completed protein is then released and takes its own characteristic shape. This process occurs in the cytosol of the cell.The four-character language of DNA/mRNA can be converted i nto 20-character language of protein. However there are 64 combinations of mRNA codons as there are 4 possibilities for the 1st codon and 4 for the 2nd and 4 for the 3rd (4 x 4 x 4 = 64). Certainly there are many codons for many amino acids; however some are not, for instant stop-/start codons.

Is popular culture the strongest influence on identity? Essay

First of all, what do you think is the essence of popular culture? Popular culture is the accumulated store of cultural products such as music, art, literature, fashion, and others that are consumed primarily by non-elite groups such as the working, lower, and middle class people. And that means YES; pop culture is strongly influential to a young person by cause of its fancy and alluring looks or other reasons. Why do you think it would affect or can strongly influence some young person or even adult’s identity? Well, the answer is simple, it’s predominant, and when some things are predominant like fashion or music, people will emulate it simply because they see other’s doing it or it is in trend. Why do you think some of our countrymen do not try to patronize some things like fashion or music? For me, it’s because they see it as â€Å"dated† or what we call â€Å"baduy† as a result of a certain thing for not being popular. But in other sovereign state, when they make something, it will be viral and be pursued by other countries, and we’re one of the crowd. While our country, when we do something new, they will criticize it even if they haven’t seen it, and that kind of attitude should be ousted by our fellow law abiding citizen. We can hinder this kind of mindset by patronizing our own culture, like listening to OPM’s or what we call Original Pilipino Music. We can also promote our Filipino designers by sharing their designs on social networking sites because we all know that these mediums are powerful. Not only music or fashion should be endorsed, but also our rich culture. It is our only reserve that we should be proud of and pass it to the next generation because that’s where we came from. What do you think will the next generation be patronizing if we will not teach the kids who’s younger than us? Of course, it will be pop culture! Try it, try to listen to OPM’s, share a design of a not-so-popular designer who you know or try to invent new but little things that you can do. By doing those kind of things, we can help even if it’s a small thing. You don’t have to be extravagant just to help. We can change this while it can be hindered.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Progress with Technology: Do More With Less

Do More Advancements in collecting information, spending cost, and daily incoming data is ever growing. Moving forward in business needs can and will grow your company. As the world evolves in many aspects of life, the needs of a company's evolution are also a part of those changes. We once rode in horse and buggies and using that horsepower, developed into a much faster more efficient way of travel. Stepping into the technological world of business will also create that for your work environment.The components of the system hat you recommend including input devices, output devices, and storage. There are multiple components to a system that allows you to get the best use of your computer. Common daily uses of mail, cal and contacts are interchangeable between your Mac and PC. The compatibility of the Mac allows you to open most files from software that a PC uses. There are a number of input devices that can be useful to enhance your technology. The use of trackballs, multiple mouse options to suit the needs of the user, and scanners that will allow you to digitally store forms and paperwork.Sending hose to different departments for their use decreases the need for paper and reduces storage room for paper files. Planning for the storage of these files is important. A structure for backing up information or data is a must and can benefit for a quick reference no matter the date of the file. Organizing the process is critical at the start of the implementation. Having multiple ways to store information from a simple jump drive, to complete system back up storage in the need of systems failures.Maintaining a regular process of backing up information or having a default system to automatically ace up critical data is a safe, onsite way to returning to normal operations in a short matter of time. Using cloud storage of information can be another option with security measures in place. Having the ability to plug into the cloud to access needed data from any part in t he world has unlimited possibilities. With the use of mobile devices, you are able to access, create, and update inventories. Hand held scanners and bar code scanners will allow instant updates to the entire on hand account of needed inventories.This will decrease the time it takes to reorder products and assist in maintaining real mime sales possibilities. The mobile devises that have screens will allow employees to view documents and if they have touch screen capabilities, you have a mini mobile computer for processing information while you are on the floor. The operating system, utility, and application software that you recommend. There are comparisons between using Windows and Mac (SO X) operating systems. According to differ. Com, the most common is the PC using a Windows operating system.Pros for using a system that is Windows based are; it is used by more people at home and businesses, and has more f a common knowledge from most that use a computer system. Cons for the PC is the continuing need for upgrading and security issues. Since multiple companies' manufacturer the PC, security breeches are more common on a Windows operating system. The Mac, which uses the SO X, has one manufacturer, being Apple Inc. , and offers platforms that have less of a signature for mallard because of the lower exposure to hackers.According to multiple sources, both systems are in need of security software to ensure the safety of your system, but for now the Mac is less of a target (Mills, 2010). There are multiple standard utility software programs to maintain the systems within your Mac. Disk utility, network utility, terminal, CPU monitor are a few examples. The utility software performs the maintenance-type tasks that are related to managing your computer. There are hundreds of utilities listed in the Mac App Store on the tunes web site.Depending on what your needs or wants are, you are able to get them and keep them updated with the touch of a button. With the latest SO X operating system, my recommendation for starting your business is the MS Office program. It is imputable with both operating systems and can be used and applied to fit all of your companies need. In the Office program, you are able to use Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and Powering presentation and to organize your daily office activities; Outlook will keep your daily events easily available for reference.SO X is well known as the easiest-to-use of operating systems, Apple's SO X still deserves that title. It's also the king of content creation. Like Linux, it's a variant of Unix, and shares many of its benefits. However, its high price tag is a deterrent for many businesses. SO X and any of its applications are optimized around creating content, whether written or visual. It makes the process hassle-free, seamless, and pleasurable. And the emphasis on user interface is unparalleled. This SO is much more stable than any Windows system.Users of SO X have access to much of t he vast available library of free, open source software. While the amount of SO X mallard is increasing, there is far less than that which targets Windows machines. However, users should still take reasonable security measures. The initial cost of investment may turn off many businesses from adopting SO X as their main operating system. Apple tends to update SO X about once a year. The annual cost of chasing these upgrades can add up. SO X runs only on Apple hardware.While this hardware tends to be state of the art, if there's a hardware platform you'd rather use, it's not an option (Alexander, 2014). The company's communication and network needs. With multiple departments having the need to access information and data at the same time, setting up a server to provide your clients, (computers within each department), is a quick and easy open door to the endless information Agway to the Internet. Setting up your server will also network your access to multiple output devices such as p rinters and scanners.This reduces your cost of the hardware itself, plus saving thousands of dollars on ink cartridges and paper use. Establishing your companies network, links your business information together again having all needed data, which is gathered in seconds compared to hours and days as before. Securing your server and setting up parameters only allowing what you want the employees to access on the Internet is also an advantage to keeping the company files safer. There are multiple ways to network your company. A common use today is using wireless technology.The systems you begin with and the installation Of a wireless router Will save on having the need for physical wires being install in the building. Although a LANA is necessary, the more wireless systems you have, the less for cost of hardwired computer stations. There are advantages to being plugged into a LANA system, as it increases the speed of your access time on the Internet. The more wireless systems that go through the router, the slower the access, so planning your stations is a key advancement to increasing your productivity for your departments.The database management system that you recommend. The need for data input is necessary to upkeep current status of multiple areas of your business. The database management system that works well with the Mac is software called Filmmaker Pro. According to filmmaker. Com, Filmmaker Pro will allow you to input a wide variety of information that can be used in multiple ways. There are flexible design tools; multiple platform sharing, reports and charts can be created. Being able to link this data to added departments and sharing secure information for reference is capable.Being able to use and share mobile devices with a free app download puts all of your current information in your hand, retrievable at a touch. The key to making any database management system successful is the constant upkeep of the information. Data entry is a steady flow proc ess that has to be maintained. Maintaining a secure, single source entry point will keep all information accurate and up to date. Putting password protection on certain information will only allow departments, like Human Resources, access for protected needs.You can maintain HEAP laws and insure that those who do not have the need to see them do not see personal files. About development of the information system In formation Establishing the information system your company will need can be calculated by each department. Using the systems that will assist each departments needs and having the ability for them to reference the same software will allow maximum use of resources and assets. Sharing collections of data techniques will align your company's information for easily retrieval.With the different informational needs from each department, developing worth-term and long-term assessments of data can insure all of your needs are met. The enterprise integration of the new information system. As information and data comes in, the managers will have the thrill of bringing what the company needs from ground level upwards. Being able to plan, by establishing goals and deciding on strategies and tactics that are needed to meet those goals are essential. Organizing the company resources will allow you to meet the goals that are planned for. Directing the company towards achievement of the goals set can be done in numerous ways.By erect communications, the use of the newly installed technology, or the recommend process of using them both, will be a step towards success. Overseeing and controlling the process is crucial in maintaining accurate positions of the company's progress. Your recommendations for harnessing the power of the Internet and the World Wide Web to give the company a competitive advantage. According to Churn, small businesses only benefit from the use of the Internet. The Internet, being the powerful tool that it is, can make a business more productiv e and profitable.When using emails and he Internet effectively, a business can be helped to streamline activities, establish easier communications with customers, and even generate new customers or clients-?all while helping to reduce business expenses. Using Internet resources for your business, can reduce, or eliminate the need for traditional postal mailing and all of the costs associated with that contact method. The Internet makes it easy to stay in contact with your customers via email and online networking tools such as; discussion boards, chat rooms, and social networking sites like Faceable.Using Internet communication lolls effectively, you can keep up a continuous dialogue with customers and prospects. The Small Business Association (SABA) explains that even small mom-and-pop shops can generate additional business with a no-frills website and by posting in newsgroups. You can send special offers and announcements to existing customers via email, send links to your online catalog when a new product is released, or post virtual coupons via social networking sites. Application Service Providers (ASPS) provide a variety of ready-made applications to help you run day-to-day operations in your business.These Internet services help with finance management, inventory control and human resources, allowing you to lower costs while also reducing the time and labor force needed to run the business. ASPs can assist with streamlining customer support requests as well. Providing online product documentation and frequently asked questions, for example, enables your customers to get support twenty-four hours a day, without engaging a customer service representative. Setting up your business on the Internet can be a lucrative way to attract customers, expand your market and increase sales.Advertisements can announce special events your company is sponsoring, contests, and special sales or discounts (Burns, 2014). Web browsers based on the ‘point and click' prin cipal which is so popular in today's software, are freely available over the Internet and allow access to all the World Wide Web has to offer. It is not only the order that the Web has brought to the Internet that has made it so popular. A great deal of its attraction stems from its excellent user- friendly front-end. Web pages can contain graphics, photographs, sound and even video clips in addition to plain text.In his book devoted to the Web, Winder (1995) states that there are at least 5 million Web pages in existence today, with more and more being added all the time. The Web is believed to be growing at twice the rate of the Internet as a whole. Web traffic increased by in the year 1994 (Cookbook, 1995). According to Internationalists. Com; around forty percent of the world population has an Internet connection today. In 1995, it was less than one percent. The number of Internet users has increased tenfold from 1999 to 2013.The first billion was reached in 2005. The second bil lion was in 010 and the end of 2014 will reach the third billion. The chart and table below show the number of global Internet users per year since 1993: Stepping into the enhanced world of technology is a wonderful, productive, and cost saving experience. Developing and maintaining records and company assets, establishing a process that will not only reduce cost but the organization of information, creates a better atmosphere of all members and how they feel about the improvement of the company.